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As part of our care services, we do provide support for individuals with complex and chronic health conditions that may involve multiple interconnected medical issues, disabilities, chronic diseases and/or psychosocial factors that require a high level of coordination and integration of services to address the individual's unique needs. Our Staff are trained and competent to provide personalised and coordinated care, and complex care to enhance the service user's health outcomes, optimize their functional abilities, and improve their overall quality of life.
Our dedicated team of Carers can assist individuals with managing chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, or respiratory conditions. They support the service user by monitoring symptoms, supporting self-management strategies, and collaborating with healthcare teams to optimize health outcomes.
We offer services that seek to improve the quality of life for individuals facing serious illness. Our services are offered regardless of the prognosis and are aimed at providing comprehensive support to the service user and their families, addressing personal, hygiene and practical physical needs and providing support/comfort during end-of-life care or throughout the course of an illness. We work closely with healthcare professionals, hospice teams, and other support services to ensure that the individual and their family receive compassionate care and support throughout the end-of-life journey.
We provide services to assist with complex care involving feeding tubes which is specialized assistance provided to individuals who require nutrition and medication through these routes due to various medical conditions. Our staff are trained and experienced in working with feeding tubes, such as gastrostomy tubes (G-tubes), or jejunostomy tubes (J-tubes). We support the service user with, tube site care, feed preparation, and feeding tube administration of prescribed feedings/ medication via the feeding tube using specialized equipment, such as syringes, feeding pumps, or gravity bags. We will also monitor and document the service user response to the enteral feedings, including tolerance, digestion, and any potential complications.